CETA/Job application form

Job Application form

Position applying for:

Would you consider other posts besides the one you have listed above? (Please circle)   Yes    /     No


The All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC) is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to diversity amongst its staff and does not discriminate in hiring or terms and conditions of employment because of an individual’s disability, marital status, age or gender. Due to the nature of the work and purpose and ethos of a Christian mission organisation, it is a genuine occupational requirement that the job holder be a Christian.

General notes:

  • Applications after the closing date will not be considered.
  • Receipt of all applications will be acknowledged and applicants will be notified on whether they have been selected for an interview as soon as possible after the closing date.

Please submit the following:

  1. Dully filled application form.
  2. Application / Cover letterof not more than two (2) pages stating your reasons for wanting to work with the AACC, as well as your main qualifications and alignments with this specific role.
  3. Curriculum Vitae.
  4. Copies of academic and professional certificates and transcripts.
Section 1 – Personal Particulars
Surname First Name 
Full Name (as in Passport) 
Full address 
Mailing address, if different 
E-mail address 
Mobile Phone No. 
Other Contact No. 
Date of Birth Citizenship 
Marital StatusSingle/Married/ Divorced/Widowed/ Others:………………Number of children 
Section 2 – Church Membership 
Name of Denominational Church 
Are you ordained?YES                         NONumber of years as member of this church:
Section 3 – Educational Background

Please list from the highest qualification.

QualificationName of Institution& CountryFull/Part-time& On-campus/RemoteFrom Mth/YrTo Mth/Yr

Other course(s) currently pursuing (if any)

QualificationName of Institution & CountryFull/Part-time; & On-campus/ RemoteFrom Mth/YrTo Mth/Yr
Section 4 – Employment History

      Please start with your most recent employment

Position HeldEmploying OrganisationCountryFrom Mth/YrTo Mth/Yr
Section 5 – Current Professional Membership
Position HeldProfessional Institution/BodyCountryFrom Mth/YrTo Mth/Yr
Section 6 – Personal Disclosure
Have you been discharged or dismissed from the service of your previous employers? If yes, please give details: YES☐     NO☐
Have you been convicted in a court of law in any country or any ongoing legal proceedings? If yes, please give details:YES☐     NO☐
Have you ever been declared a bankrupt? If yes, please give details:YES☐     NO☐
Please indicate any considerations that would affect your acceptance of the job:    

Section 7–Character References

Please note that any job offer is subject to satisfactory references. References will be sought for shortlisted candidates.  Please name 3 referees who have worked closely with you in the last 5 years and who can comment on your work ethics and leadership ability. One of the references must be your current or most recent employer.

 NameEmail addressRelationshipYears Known

Section 8 – Declaration

I hereby declare that all the particulars/information given herein are true and correct and I have not wilfully suppressed any material facts. I hereby give consent to collection, use and disclosure of my personal data by the AACC (or its agents) for the purpose of the processing and administration by the AACC relating to this attached job application. 

Signed: …………………………………………………. Date: …………………………………

NOTE: Any false declaration or withholding of information will render you to disqualification and if appointed, to a dismissal – without notice and compensation – and/or appropriate legalproceedings. 

Please submit the completed form to the General Secretary via the email address below:



Perikopa 2025


| | 16. Karemy II - Sampanasa SAF
Hos. 14. 2-4 ; Mar. 1. 14-15 ; 2 Tim. 2. 19-21

| | 23. Karemy. III
2 Tantara 30. 1-9 | Lioka 13. 1-5 | Asan'ny Apostoly 3. 17-21

| | 30. Karemy. IV - Asa Fifandraisana FJKM
Joela 2. 12-17 | Jaona 12, 34-36 | Apokalipsy 2. 1-7

FJKM Fahazavana